Safir fra Svanavatni 90.1.84-427 Father Gustur fra Svanavatni Mother Donnu-Brunka fra Svanavatani FF - Blakkur
fra Reykjum MF - Djakni fra Hvolsvelli FM - Kvika fra Heidarbot MM - Prud fra Reykjum


Hvedra fra Ormsstodum 92.2.88-721 Father - Arvakur fra Argerdi Mother - Thordis fra Ormsstodum FF - Otur
fra Saudarkroki MM - Hordur fra Kolkuosi FM - Blika fra Argerdi MM - Irpa fra Bakkakoti

Saga from Cytraas Farm - Unregistered Father - Alftarleggur fra Arbakki Mother - Limra fra Arbakki FF -
Bylur fra Kolkuosi MF - Stigandi fra Hvolsvollur FM - MN - Stryta fra Stokkholma
Icelandic horses are one of the purest breeds left in the world. They are 4 and 5 gaited horses with a very smooth walk, trot,
canter/gallop, tolt and flying pace. Their average heights are 12.3 to 14.2 hands, and they are capable of carrying adults
for long distances and are suitable for many disciplines. These horses tend to be very independent. Icelandics are making
their mark in the equine world and can be found in endurance riding, competitive trail riding, Equitana demonstrations, and
several television specials.
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